BlackGeorge meanings and thoughts
Engineer | Дата: Пт, 2022-Май-27, 11:41 | Сообщение # 31 |
![Engineer](/avatar/78/899550.jpg) Главный инженер острова
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 110
Статус: Offline
| Good work! Of course, we will need a good description of all the options for this new element with simple code examples to use it properly. In a mission, I can detect if the new PBO is loaded or not, and thus see if its functions can be called or not called on the player's client computer at the appropriate time.
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Engineer | Дата: Пт, 2022-Май-27, 12:17 | Сообщение # 32 |
![Engineer](/avatar/78/899550.jpg) Главный инженер острова
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 110
Статус: Offline
| Цитата gyuri004magyar ( ![Ссылка на цитируемый текст](/.s/img/fr/ic/4/lastpost.gif) ) I stoping to editing because now i dont need this island. But if engineer and others want this version ofc i can work with this.I dont know what is faster. Rebuild the mission or rebuild the map. The future is here you choose Heh! It is not very defined question. Of course, if there will be a new islands near Sahrani in the same system coordinates it will be the great solution, allowing to extend existing mission, not to rebuild it. The only request is to presave the world center point during editing. Now it is situated at Corazol city boundaries. On other hand, I'm not sure that new islands will be good enough from the point of view of AI. What if new island patrols will not be able to drive as they do on Sahrani. Hey?!
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gyuri004magyar | Дата: Пт, 2022-Май-27, 22:33 | Сообщение # 33 |
Hungarian artillerist/inspector/tactic
Группа: Друзья
Сообщений: 32
Статус: Offline
| My hungarian version about rus war #1
A helyzet nem egyszerű,ahogy a történelemben sohasem volt az.Az ember pedig önmagát adja,ez a probléma forrása.Nem orosz,nem amerikai,nem ukrán sem pedig magyar,hanem az ember és viselkedése.Az orosz-ukrán helyzet igazságára nem lehet fényt deríteni.Minden relatív.Minden egyénnek és csoportnak megvannak a maga igazságai.Sok sok történeti szál létezik mi miért van.A fő történet szál pedig még bonyolultabb és rejtettebb.A legegyszerűbb válasz pedig amit lehetne adni az a "hatalmi harcok világunkban. Mindenki ismeri a 2014-es történetet valamilyen formában.Ami persze nem 2014-ben kezdődött,lehet 1886-ban....Kérdés jogos e,és mik a felek nézőpontja.Mindenkinek igaza van és jogosan cselekedtek.Függetlenné akartak válni xy ok miatt.Jogos.Ukrajna nem akarta adni a területét.Jogos.A világ hagyta meghalni az embereket az által hogy nem ismerte el függetlennek a területeket.A világ jogosan cselekedett amikor valami miatt ezt az utat választotta.Jogos e hogy 2022-ben avatkozik be Oroszország és hagyta meghalni azokat az embereket épp úgy ahogy a világ másik része?Persze hogy jogos.Tehát a világon mindenki saját érdekei miatt döntött valami mellett és akkor is,most is és a jövőben is ez miatt emberek halnak meg.Nincs egység,soha nem is lesz és talán nem is lehetséges egy egységes világ.Biztos hogy az usa kever a háttérben.Biztos hogy oroszország kever a háttérben.Biztos hogy a világ összes hatalomra vágyó országa kever a háttérben.Biztos hogy mi mindannyian felelősek vagyunk a jelenlegi helyzetért. De várjunk egy kicsit.Oroszország megtámadta Ukrajnát.Most látom magam előtt a térképet,ahogy az orosz terület rámászik ukrajna területére és abban minden lakó ugyan azon a véleményen van.Hogy is tudna egy ország ekkora egységben lenni?Csak úgy mint a nácik,propaganda által,de még így sem az egész országról van szó.Talán volt népszavazás előtte?Dehogy!Tehát xy ember/emberek oroszországban,az orosz katonai haderőt alkalmazva,megtámadták ukrajnát és az egész ukrán népet.Nem xy embert,mindet.Jogos e?Fentebb említettem a jogok kérdését.Ezután a nyugat,amerika,eu a béke jelszavával halált segítő gépeket küld ukrajna területére.Szankciókat alkalmaz,habzik minden politikus szája és azt mondják a nyugat embereinek,fürödjetek kevesebbet.Eközben még több ember hal meg a béke elhozatalára hivatott gépek által.Beüt a gazdasági válság,mindenki köpköd mindenkire és jogosan ismét térfelet választanak.De vajon a világ ezt akarta vagy világháborút akar?Volt erről valamiféle szavazás ahol megkérdezték a világ összes emberét?Dehogy!Tehát a világban xy ember/emberek különböző okokból kifojólag,az emberek és az emberiség számára, csakis negativ dolgokat eredményező döntéseket hoznak a világ emberei nevében.Csak azért,hogy hatalmat gyakorolhassanak.Ez nem jogos,nem normális,de amíg ezeket a sorokat leirtam,nem csak ukrajnában hanem az egész világon százak öltek meg másokat.Nem kellenek nevek sem történetek,hogy mi miért van,mert nem tudod végig bogozni az igazságot.Ami kell légy hű az elveidhez védd meg magad és családod.Ezután pedig légy jó ember.Nem kell szeretni mindenkit,nem kell szentnek sem lenni.Csak jónak.Mert egy jó ember felismeri saját hibáit,képes elvei határait kitágítani és így békességben elfogadni mindenkit.Ez lehetetlen a mai emberek számára.Nekem is az.Jó vagyok de pillanatok alatt mennék a szomszédba ölni,ha azt mondanák,hogy vissza kell szerezni a területeinket.Jogos e és jó e ez?Nem!A gondolkodásunk egymásról és saját magunkról,az értékrendszerünk,az egész életünk egy romlott tojás.Nem demokrácia,nem kommunizmus és nem szimpla szeretet kell ide.Valami egészen más,amit szavakkal le sem tudok írni.Nem biztos hogy az ember szabadsága,szeretete és szabad akarata oda vezet hogy béke legyen a világban. Tehát térfelet választunk a számunkra legszimpatikusabb ideológia és rendszer által és félhomályban azt hazudjuk magunknak hogy jót teszünk és a gonosz ellen harcolunk.Mi tudjuk a pontos igazságot,tudjuk mi történik több ezer kilométerrel odébb és miért is történnek a dolgok.Добавлено (2022-Май-27, 22:44) --------------------------------------------- #2
Amit írtál mind csak egy jóhiszemű feltételezés az igazságról és arról hogy tudod valóban az az igazság.Változtat a te vagy én igazságom a helyzeten?A világ tüntet együttesen a béke mellett elfeledve a sérelmeket a feltételezett igazság megtudása után?Birkák vagyunk,közöttünk farkasok.A juhászt senki sem ismeri és azt sem tudja merre és miért terel bennünket. Ez a véleményem mindenféle komolyabb név és történetiség felhozatala nélkül az Ujrajnai háborúról és az elkövetkező világháborúról ami ha nem most lesz de mindenképp megtörténik. Sajnos te sem és én sem keltünk most fel a számítógép elől,mentünk át a szomszédhoz és kiáltottunk: elég legyen egymás gyülöléséből.Add a kezed béke legyen,most pedig menj a hozzád legközelebb lévő emberhez és tedd ugyanezt.Egy hét alatt a világ összes embere kezet foghatna és előkerülnének az alattomosok.Tudod mi lenne ez után?Azok akik kezet fogtak,megbüntetnék azokat akik nem fogtak kezet.Meg is ölnék őket vagy bányába vetnék,megköveznék.Amíg az ember mér másik emberre büntetést addig nem lesz jó a világban....Itt jöhetne szóba ugye az isten/istenek témaköre..... Ami az országomat illeti,ez a drága kis csonka országot amit tépnek mindig,most talán erősebb a szívében mint valaha.Persze nem minden magyar ember gondolja ezt,nem lehetséges és az én véleményem is csak a saját igazságom.De a mostani és nem olyan régi döntések,igaz eltérnek a világ elvárásaitól,de nekünk jó.Lehetséges mindenféle rejtett szándék,de lényegében az,hogy mindenkivel jóban akarunk lenni. Ez teljesen jó.Tegnap bevezették a "hadi állapotot".Igy ma megadóztatják a multikat,benzinkutakat ,bankokat,minden nagyobb céget.Profituk egy részét elveszik a hadsereg és az emberek részére.Ebből fedezik a szinten tartott benzin,alapvető élelmiszerek és hasonló dolgok költségeit.Igen ez jó,ez a sablon.Aztán lehet mind ellopják,de az elv jó.Nálunk mától ezen az áron csak magyar emberek tankolhatnak.A többieknek oda adják az uniós áron az üzemanyagot.....És sorolhatnám a számomra,az ország igen nagy részének tetsző dolgokat.Nem küldtünk fegyvereket csak befogadtunk több mint 700000 ezer embert ukrajna irányából./Mégis minket mocskol az ukrán elnök a gazdasági világfórumon..../Bele egyeztünk bizonyos szankciókba ,de olyanokban nem ami minket is tönkre tenne és teljesen értelmetlen.Mert ,ugye azt az igazságot se feledjük el,hogy ha senki nem tesz semmit ,akkor oroszország xy ok miatt bármikor bárkivel megtehet bármit?....Nem engedtünk be illegálisan migránsokat,mert azok nem menekültek voltak,hanem gazdasági bevándorlók,akik nem hajlandóak tisztességesen és beilleszkedve élni,ahogy erre szokos.Erre megtépték azok a szegény menekültek a határ kerítéseit és a vonaton kapott friss vizet ki locsolták pökhendien.Persze az a sok fiatal jó lett volna szíriában is golyófogónak,csak ott nem mertek keménykedni.... Добавлено (2022-Май-27, 22:45) --------------------------------------------- #3 Nem nevelték belém ,de szeretem a hazám és magyarságom.És azt sem tudom megmagyarázni hogy miért fáj Trianon.De ha szóba jön mardos egy érzés,egy nagyon igazságtalan és elkeseredett érzés ami dühbe megy át és nem engedi hogy jó ember legyek.Millió mondatot tudnék még írni és azt hiszem elkalandoztam,lehet nem is válaszoltam megfelelően.Beszélgetni,főleg egy ilyen más világban élő emberrel viszont mindig hasznos dolog. :) Utóirat:Remélem az angol fordítással egész pontos másolatot kapsz arról amit magyarul irtam és gondoltam.Ezért magyarul bemásolom a forum szobámba. Közben pedig jött egy gondolatom amit muszáj leirnom :D Mi van az az az igazság hogy a háttérben vannak emberek akik tudnak egy igazságot.Ehhez az igazsághoz hozzátartozik az,hogy a társadalomba tömörített emberek nem képesek a rejtett,igaz emberi mivolt leküzdésére.És bizonyos időközönként meg kell nekik engedni,hogy azok legyenek akik valójában.Egy háború,egy globális válság....Ahol az emberek vicsorognak,ölnek,sirnak,igazán szeretik azt akit szeretni kell.Majd ismét kordába fogják az emberiséget és terelik egy bizonyos irányba.Talán ez az az irány aminek a végén elérjük azt,hogy békességben,jó és igaz emberek lehessünk.Talán az a "gonosz háttérhatalom" nem is gonosz csak tudja az igazi igazságot.De ez csak az elmém szüleménye,amit kellő pénz és hatalommal fel is tudnék arra használni hogy rengeteg embert irányítsak és azt tegyék amit én szeretnék a háttérben.Nem pénzért.Csakis azért a fránya hatalomért. It was 5 page xD Добавлено (2022-Май-27, 22:52) --------------------------------------------- In englis #1
The situation is not as simple as it has never been in history. And man gives himself, it is the source of the problem. The truth about the Russian-Ukrainian situation cannot be clarified. Everything is relative. Every individual and group has its own truths. There are many historical threads about why and why. And the main story thread is even more complicated and hidden. And the simplest answer that could be given is the 'power struggles in our world. Everyone knows the story of 2014 in some form. What, of course, didn't start in 2014, could be in 1886 .... The question is legitimate and what are the views of the parties. Everyone is right and they acted rightly. They wanted to become independent for xy reason . Legitimate. Ukraine did not want to give up its territory. The world has let people die by not recognizing territories as independent. The world was right to choose this path for some reason. Is it right that Russia will intervene in 2022 and let those people die just like the rest of the world? So everyone in the world has chosen something for their own interests and then, now and in the future, people will die because of it. There is no unity, there will never be and maybe it is not possible for a unified world. Sure, the usa mixes in the background.Russia is sure to stir in the background. Surely all the power-hungry countries in the world are mixing in the background. We are all responsible for the current situation. But wait a minute. Russia has attacked Ukraine. Now I see the map in front of me as the Russian territory climbs into the territory of Ukraine and everyone in it has the same opinion. How could a country be so united? Just like the Nazi, by propaganda, but even so, it is not about the whole country. Maybe there was a referendum before him? No way! So xy man / people in Russia, using Russian military force, attacked Ukraine and the whole of Ukraine people.Not xy people, all of them.It's right e? I mentioned the issue of rights above. Then the West, America, the EU sends death aid machines to the territory of Ukraine with the slogan of peace. Meanwhile, even more people are dying by the machines designed to bring peace. The economic crisis is hitting, everyone is spitting on everyone and they are right to choose half the space again. But did the world want this or did it want a world war? Was there any kind of vote on this where everyone in the world was asked ? No way! So in the world xy people / people for various reasons, for people and humanity, only negative they make decisions that result in things on behalf of the people of the world.Just to exercise power. This is not legitimate, it is not normal, but as long as I have described these lines, hundreds have killed others not only in Ukraine but all over the world. You don't need names or stories about why, because you can't dig through the truth. What you need to be true to your principles is to protect yourself and your family. Then be a good person. You don't have to love everyone, you don't have to be a saint. Just a good person . It's impossible for people today. Добавлено (2022-Май-27, 22:53) --------------------------------------------- #2
It's for me too. I'm good but I'd go in no time to kill a neighbor if they said we had to get our territories back. Is this right and is it good? Our thinking about each other and ourselves, our value system, our whole lives are a rotten egg. There is no need for democracy, no communism and no simple love. Something completely different that I cannot describe in words. Man’s freedom, love, and free will may not lead to peace in the world. So we choose half the space by the ideology and system that we like best, and in the dark we lie to ourselves that we are doing good and fighting evil. We know the exact truth, we know what happens thousands of miles away and why things happen. What you wrote is all just a bona fide assumption about the truth and that you really know the truth. Does your or my truth change the situation? Does the world protest together for peace, forgetting the grievances after learning the supposed truth? We are sheep, wolves among us. No one knows the shepherd and does not know where and why he is guiding us. This is my opinion, without bringing up any more serious names and histories, about the War in Ukraine and the coming World War, which, if not now, will happen anyway. Unfortunately, neither you nor I got up from the computer now, went over to the neighbor and shouted, it should be enough to hate each other. Give your hand peace, and now go to the person closest to you and do the same . In one week, all the people in the world the insidious could shake hands and come out. Do you know what would happen after that? Those who shook hands would punish those who did not shake hands. They would kill them or throw them into a mine, stone them. As long as a person is punished by another person, it will not be good in the world .... The topic of god / gods could be discussed here ..... As for my country, this precious little truncated country that is always torn, now maybe stronger is the in the heart like ever.Of course, not every Hungarian person thinks this, it is not possible and my opinion is only my own truth.But the current and not so old decisions, although they differ from the expectations of the world, but good for us.All kinds of hidden intentions are possible, but in essence, that we want to be good with everyone. Добавлено (2022-Май-27, 22:54) --------------------------------------------- #3
That's perfectly good. Yesterday they introduced the "state of war" .So today they tax the multis, gas stations, banks, all major companies. Some of their profits are lost to the army and the people. , this template. Then they can all be stolen, but the principle is good. From today, only Hungarians can refuel at this price. The rest will be given fuel at the EU price .....And I could list things that appeal to me, a very large part of the country. We have not sent weapons, we have only received more than 700,000 people from Ukraine . Because, let's not forget the truth that if no one does anything, Russia can do anything with anyone at any time for xy reason ? .... We did not allow illegal migrants because they were not refugees, but economic immigrants who refused . to live fairly and integrally, as is customary. its fences and the fresh water on the train were sprinkled on pökhendien (negativ hun word...) I wasn't raised in me, but I love my country and my Hungarianness. And I can't explain why Trianon hurts . lets be a good person. I could write a million more sentences and I think I wandered off, maybe I didn't answer properly. Conversing, especially with someone in another world, is always useful. ![smile](/.s/sm/1/smile.gif) Postscript: I hope the English translation will give you an exact copy of what I wrote and thought in Hungarian. That's why I'm copying it into my forum room in Hungarian. In the meantime, I came up with an idea that I have to describe: D What is the truth is that there are people in the background who know a truth. It is part of this truth that people in society are incapable of overcoming their hidden, true human nature. And at certain intervals, they have to be allowed to be who they really are. A war, a global crisis .... Where people squeal, kill, mourn, they really love who needs to be loved. Then they will once again control humanity and steer it in a certain direction. Perhaps this is the direction at the end of which we will achieve peace and good people. Maybe that "evil background power" isn't even evil, it just knows the real truth.But it’s just the product of my mind that I could use with enough money and power to control a lot of people and do what I want in the background. Not for money. Just for that damn power. It was 5 page xD Добавлено (2022-Май-27, 23:03) ---------------------------------------------
Цитата Engineer ( ![Ссылка на цитируемый текст](/.s/img/fr/ic/4/lastpost.gif) ) Heh! It is not very defined question.Of course, if there will be a new islands near Sahrani in the same system coordinates it will be the great solution, allowing to extend existing mission, not to rebuild it. The only request is to presave the world center point during editing. Now it is situated at Corazol city boundaries. On other hand, I'm not sure that new islands will be good enough from the point of view of AI. What if new island patrols will not be able to drive as they do on Sahrani. Hey?! In the map editor we can(must) to edit road system.....This is the reason why Arma AI know how to drive on the roads and what is road,what is not....
Сообщение отредактировал gyuri004magyar - Пт, 2022-Май-27, 22:43 |
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Engineer | Дата: Сб, 2022-Май-28, 20:46 | Сообщение # 34 |
![Engineer](/avatar/78/899550.jpg) Главный инженер острова
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 110
Статус: Offline
| Цитата In the map editor we can(must) to edit road system.....This is the reason why Arma AI know how to drive on the roads and what is road,what is not.... Yes, of course we can edit. But how good we can do it? Sahrani is done rather good. New islands, if they not copied from other good old BIS maps (Everon, Nogova etc), can be not so good as Sahrani. I'm afraid, that it can kill your idea about using newly added parts to the existing map, not to create (or download) totally new map. Am I understand your idea about mixed map style (already known map + new sub-map added to expand the mission, not to create from zero) correctly?
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gyuri004magyar | Дата: Вс, 2022-Май-29, 14:24 | Сообщение # 35 |
Hungarian artillerist/inspector/tactic
Группа: Друзья
Сообщений: 32
Статус: Offline
| In reality, this is not such a difficult and complicated thing.You can enter a lot of parameters in the editor.From urban areas to forests and roads, so AI knows what it is.You put a couple of road models in a row.Then you set this as a road system and you're done.If you don't want to edit the basic mission then it's easiest to add islands.All sizes and points remain the same, as this is the basis.There are plenty of options and variations.The fastest is to just edit the map to a 2024 * 2024 template.All sizes will be double. So if Parasito used to be 2 kilometers from the base, it will now be 4.
Добавлено (2022-Май-31, 23:11) --------------------------------------------- CupProject#3 At weekend i finished edit thed models.Will create a single addon and replace deafult items addon.I use simple gold textures. 90% i finished this project. Just very busy days and same times i edit this models to other platform to shell them.... In my next life my job will be this. But never late start to do smt new....
Добавлено (2022-Июн-10, 21:21) --------------------------------------------- Airplane red flash: Кодlight1 = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; light1 setLightBrightness 2; light1 setLightAmbient [0.2,0.2,0.2]; light1 setLightColor [1,0.2,0.2]; light1 lightAttachObject [dc,[0,1,1]]; light2 = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; light2 setLightBrightness 2; light2 setLightAmbient [0.2,0.2,0.2]; light2 setLightColor [1,0.2,0.2]; light2 lightAttachObject [dc,[0,1,1]]; //in this case "dc" is my plane name ~1 deleteVehicle light1 //this is turn off the lights deleteVehicle light2 ~1 //so if you loop this 2 things then the lamp will flashing,on and off
light1 = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; light1 setLightBrightness 2; light1 setLightAmbient [0.2,0.2,0.2]; light1 setLightColor [1,0.2,0.2]; light1 lightAttachObject [dc,[0,1,1]]; light2 = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; light2 setLightBrightness 2; light2 setLightAmbient [0.2,0.2,0.2]; light2 setLightColor [1,0.2,0.2]; light2 lightAttachObject [dc,[0,1,1]]; ~1 deleteVehicle light1 deleteVehicle light2
Only first person view. Код _cam = "camera" camCreate (player modelToWorld [0, 0, 1]) _cam = cameraOFF #loop ?(vehicle player == player ) OR (!alive player): goto "next" _cam = cameraOn _cam switchcamera "Gunner"
#next ~0.1 _cam = cameraOFF goto "loop" Machine writing when the mission begins. If you want to use this i can send you the sound Код_text = ["M","o","n","d","a","y",","," ","0","1"," ","A","u","g","u","s","t",","," ","1","9","8","5","\n","\n","N","e","a","r"," ","A","n","t","i","g","u","a"]_counter = 0_napis = "" ~1 #pis _pismeno = _text select _counter _napis = _napis + _pismeno ;hint format ["%1", _napis] Titletext [format ["%1", _napis], "PLAIN",0.1] _counter = _counter + 1 playsound "tuk" ~0.16 ? (_text select _counter) != "" : goto "pis" ~15 exit
Black screen while the machine is writing the data
Код cutText ["", "BLACK FADED", 1] ~10 cutText ["", "BLACK IN", 1] ~1Добавлено (2022-Июн-13, 19:40) --------------------------------------------- Srange situation
So i want to add some sound with description.ext file.The problem, i can add only 1 and second file was not found.I dont understand what is the problem.If i write tuk2 to the first place thet that is in the game,if tuk is the first then that is in the game but same time the 2 sound cant exist.
Кодclass CfgSounds { sounds[] = { };
class tuk2 { name = "tuk2"; sound[] = {"tukyb2.ogg", db-25, 1.0}; titles[] = { 0, };
class tuk { name = "tuk"; sound[] = {"tukyb.ogg", db-25, 1.0}; titles[] = { 0, }; }; Добавлено (2022-Июн-29, 19:54) --------------------------------------------- #Engineer dream project
Less free time but i started to edit smt.While i editing and explore the p3d world i understand what are the arma 1 borders and why they have.But i can make more and break the borders! Добавлено (2022-Июл-03, 23:42) --------------------------------------------- #Engineer dream project
Finally i finished with 4 model.But while i tested i got more job with us.Old and complitated this p3d modelling but i am on the way and i will create the first kazamata system. Добавлено (2022-Июл-05, 23:19) --------------------------------------------- I think i have to buy a new video card. When i want to play i again got blue screen video card works too much maybe. So while i dreaming with a new video card i fast create a scrip mission to Engineer. Maybe tomorrow i will be done. Hell of Monte Ashara! Добавлено (2022-Июл-10, 19:37) --------------------------------------------- Not, maybe i will finish with this 1-2 weeks. Maybe was complexer than deafult server mission... But i dont know few things about server scrip things. 1:How choose player? For example in normal mission player distance xx > 1...and hapening smt. But in multy is working same? Maybe server know witch player start run the script? For example when enemy finish the mission i write player addscore 10.Then the server know witch player played with that script? 2: If i do hints. Just player see that who start run the script? What if 2 player play together? Maybe i have to send that script file watch, 1/4 done just i have to know this things begore i write more 1000 line. I make 1 file only and it is easy editable.... Or if you know smt usefull about multy mission things pls tell me if you have time. Добавлено (2022-Июл-11, 02:00) --------------------------------------------- I went to my bed and tired to sleep but i cant bcs my brain want solve a problem:i start to edit a small mission and after few days i finish the basic lines. But this mission start to growing in my brain and not just 1-2 hour long game play, will be more than some days.And finally i solve the problem in my bed. I said, i cant sleep if i do smt in my life ![biggrin](/.s/sm/1/biggrin.gif) So 3. question.: You wan to use Antigua? Bcs where i start to build my mission is small to finish my logical things. So maybe i have to send that script to you. You can see what i want and now is good time bcs i dont want you see too much.
Сообщение отредактировал gyuri004magyar - Пт, 2022-Июн-10, 21:27 |
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Engineer | Дата: Пн, 2022-Июл-11, 10:00 | Сообщение # 36 |
![Engineer](/avatar/78/899550.jpg) Главный инженер острова
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 110
Статус: Offline
| Цитата gyuri004magyar ( ![Ссылка на цитируемый текст](/.s/img/fr/ic/4/lastpost.gif) ) 1:How choose player? For example in normal mission player distance xx > 1...and hapening smt. But in multy is working same? Maybe server know witch player start run the script? For example when enemy finish the mission i write player addscore 10.Then the server know witch player played with that script? What is the main difference in MP fromt the point of view of scripts? 1. You can use the player in the same manner in MP and in SP missions. But variable player is defined only on client! You gave to send inform server about player using publicVariable command. And it will be the same player object on server and on client. If you add scores to player on the client, server very soon (100-200 milliseconds) will find the same scores for that player. So name it as "synchronisation" of some properties of the player object. But you cant setVariable on the client and read it on server and vice versa. You can also select between server and client code in 1 script file. Simply you command isServer and you can use the same script anywhere. E.g.:
Цитата if(isServer) then {/* do server code */} else {/* do client code */}; or
Цитата if(isServer) exitWith {/* print msg about attempt to call this script in server mode*/}; etc etc etc. In our mission code you can see multiple examples for usage of this usefull command.
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Engineer | Дата: Пн, 2022-Июл-11, 10:01 | Сообщение # 37 |
![Engineer](/avatar/78/899550.jpg) Главный инженер острова
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 110
Статус: Offline
| Цитата 2: If i do hints. Just player see that who start run the script? What if 2 player play together? Maybe i have to send that script file watch, 1/4 done just i have to know this things begore i write more 1000 line. I make 1 file only and it is easy editable.... Or if you know smt usefull about multy mission things pls tell me if you have time.
I think that I know rather good about MP server/client synchronizations. And I always have the time to help to the old comrade in arms)))
If you want to know that some player already started some side mission (script) you have to use command publicVariable. For example: In init.sqf/sqs you create global variable
Цитата playerInMission = objNull;// (I use sqf syntax in my texts)
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Engineer | Дата: Пн, 2022-Июл-11, 10:01 | Сообщение # 38 |
![Engineer](/avatar/78/899550.jpg) Главный инженер острова
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 110
Статус: Offline
| In the script that is started on the side mission in client code you use follow code:
Цитата playerInMission = player; publicVariable "playerInMission"; That is all you need. Now in code you have to check follow conditoon: Цитата if (!isNull playerInMission) exitWith {player groupChat format[ "%1 player alreay started this side mission", name playerInMission ]}; You see? Of course, on the end of your side mission script you have to clear variable from old player as follow:
Цитата playerInMission = objNullr; publicVariable "playerInMission"; - so next time all your clients will see that no players are running this script.
Of course you can keep info about all currently connected players in some server array. It is rather complicated procedure. You should to use special script called on server on each new player connection/diconnections and store info from it to some global arrays on the server. The same is with disconnections events. You can catch them all and change information about active player. E.g.: Цитата onPlayerConnected "xhandle = [_name] execVM ""x_scripts\x_serverOPC.sqf"""; onPlayerDisconnected "xhandle = [_name] execVM ""x_scripts\x_serverOPD.sqf""";
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Engineer | Дата: Пн, 2022-Июл-11, 10:02 | Сообщение # 39 |
![Engineer](/avatar/78/899550.jpg) Главный инженер острова
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 110
Статус: Offline
| There are other methods to detect who is active and who is not. In our mission code I use the magic variables from sqm with all available players names reserved in editor. E.g.: Цитата class Vehicles { items=4; class Item0 { position[]={9677.586914,145.027328,9991.065430}; special="NONE"; id=14; side="EAST"; vehicle="ACE_SoldierEMiner_VDV"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.333333; text="delta_1"; init="this setGroupid [""Delta""];"; description="Team Delta Engineer Leader (ком.отд. инженеров)"; }; ... So in code I can use Цитата if (!isNull delta_1) then {player groupChat format["Player %1 is online", name delta_1;}; Etc etc etc.
So give me you question and I will answer my answers)))
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Engineer | Дата: Пн, 2022-Июл-11, 13:03 | Сообщение # 40 |
![Engineer](/avatar/78/899550.jpg) Главный инженер острова
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 110
Статус: Offline
| Цитата Engineer ( ![Ссылка на цитируемый текст](/.s/img/fr/ic/4/lastpost.gif) ) Добавлено (2022-Июн-13, 19:40) --------------------------------------------- Srange situation
So i want to add some sound with description.ext file.The problem, i can add only 1 and second file was not found.I dont understand what is the problem.If i write tuk2 to the first place thet that is in the game,if tuk is the first then that is in the game but same time the 2 sound cant exist.
Кодclass CfgSounds { sounds[] = { };
class tuk2 { name = "tuk2"; sound[] = {"tukyb2.ogg", db-25, 1.0}; titles[] = { 0, };
class tuk { name = "tuk"; sound[] = {"tukyb.ogg", db-25, 1.0}; titles[] = { 0, }; };
Everything is fine, as far as I can see. What else can you do: send me the full code of your mission and I'll try to solve your problem on my computer. BTW I always add a backslash to the sound path name, which denotes the path from the root of the mission itself, e.g: Цитата class Tank_GetIn {name="Tank_GetIn";sound[]={\sounds\Tank_GetIn.ogg,db+0,1.0};titles[] = {};}; class APC_GetIn {name="APC_GetIn";sound[]={\sounds\APC_GetIn.ogg,db+0,1.0};titles[] = {};}; class bicycle {name="bicycle himn";sound[]={\sounds\bicycle.ogg,db+0,1.0};titles[] = {};}; class bicycle_ring {name="bicycle ring";sound[]={\sounds\short\bicycle_ring_v1.ogg,db+0,1.0};titles[] = {};}; // From Arma-1 sound in weapons.pbo
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gyuri004magyar | Дата: Пн, 2022-Июл-11, 13:38 | Сообщение # 41 |
Hungarian artillerist/inspector/tactic
Группа: Друзья
Сообщений: 32
Статус: Offline
| I understand what you wrote and i dont like this codes. Or just dont understand fully. Make an example together. So has a mission. Player exec "mission.sqs" created a point ? player distance point < 2 :goto "start"
#start Hint "mission started"
So in this case every player see that hint or just who activated the mission point? I use sqs code. Much better!I just call jumping script you will see why.... And not need init and other sqf files....
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Engineer | Дата: Вт, 2022-Июл-12, 01:04 | Сообщение # 42 |
![Engineer](/avatar/78/899550.jpg) Главный инженер острова
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 110
Статус: Offline
| In any MP mission you need single init.sqs (sqf). It runs once at the earliest start time on server and on all connected clients. You can write the code text
Код player exec "mission.sqs";
only from client code as the variable player is available only in client code. So, in your init.sqs, you have to use command isServer to separate server code from client one. Etc, etc, etc. And you have to inform all other players on their own clients that this mission is already in use, right? You do it only with something like:
Код publicVariable "some_var_to_inform"
etc, etc, etc... Also may be the situation when player who started mission.sqs is killed. So you have to check this possibility on all clients too. Etc etc etc. So your code is growng and growng))) Independently of your wish(((
Also hint called on the client is shown only on this client. So you have to prepare some code to handle with publicVariable change event and send with public variable very complcated commands like: on client to send hint to all other clients throught the server:
Код hint_msg = ["hint_msg", "*","message text"]; publicVariable "hint_msg";
and to receive it on all clients, run follow lines:
Код "hint_msg " addPublicVariableEventHandler { hint ((_this select 1) select 2); };
Of course, all info above is prepared for code files with sqf syntax (rather close to sqs), not for in-editor sqm programming.
And please, read good article from Bohemia Int: It can help very much at the start of MP scripting.
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Engineer | Дата: Вт, 2022-Июл-12, 01:17 | Сообщение # 43 |
![Engineer](/avatar/78/899550.jpg) Главный инженер острова
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 110
Статус: Offline
| Цитата gyuri004magyar ( ![Ссылка на цитируемый текст](/.s/img/fr/ic/4/lastpost.gif) ) I understand what you wrote and i dont like this codes. Or just dont understand fully. Make an example together.So has a mission. Player exec "mission.sqs" created a point ? player distance point < 2 :goto "start"
#start Hint "mission started"
So in this case every player see that hint or just who activated the mission point? I use sqs code. Much better!I just call jumping script you will see why.... And not need init and other sqf files.... I will try to write code for this proto-mission. As soon as possible.
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gyuri004magyar | Дата: Вт, 2022-Июл-12, 13:34 | Сообщение # 44 |
Hungarian artillerist/inspector/tactic
Группа: Друзья
Сообщений: 32
Статус: Offline
| I got now what is the point. So i have to definie who is the player _player= player _player hint "blabbla" And now just player will se the hint hmm not alive _player :goto "missionover" Maybe tonight or tomorrow i will finish the first part and i will send you check my code. How i did the things. If i dont definie who is mission player than when i use command "not alive player" mission will end when somebody die on the server.But if i definie _katuska=player than i can use " not alive _katuska" just current player stop the mission.Or i dont know
Сообщение отредактировал gyuri004magyar - Вт, 2022-Июл-12, 20:14 |
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Engineer | Дата: Ср, 2022-Июл-13, 17:51 | Сообщение # 45 |
![Engineer](/avatar/78/899550.jpg) Главный инженер острова
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 110
Статус: Offline
| Цитата gyuri004magyar ( ![Ссылка на цитируемый текст](/.s/img/fr/ic/4/lastpost.gif) ) I got now what is the point. So i have to definie who is the player _player= player _player hint "blabbla" And now just player will se the hint hmm not alive _player :goto "missionover" Maybe tonight or tomorrow i will finish the first part and i will send you check my code. How i did the things. If i dont definie who is mission player than when i use command "not alive player" mission will end when somebody die on the server.But if i definie _katuska=player than i can use " not alive _katuska" just current player stop the mission.Or i dont know
No . To send message from server for a defined player you have to use event handler for publicVariable command. In Arma-1 it is the only option for such functionality.
Soon I will prepare and send to you the code as example for simplest MP mission. In SQF syntax, but you will understand it, im sure.
To be simple you have to load to any global variable info for your message, e.g.:
Код msg_info = ["msg","gyuri","He gyuri, I follow you everywhere!"]; // [_command_name, _player_name,_msg_itself] publicVariable "msg_info";
client (for all players):
Код "msg_info" addPublicVariableEventHandler { if ((_this select 0) == "msg") exitWith { // process "msg" server command if (((_this select 1) == name player) || (_this select 0) == "" ) then { // this is message for this player (his name coincided with one designated from server) or for any player ("" means - for all players) player globalChat (_this select 2); // print message from server }; }; if ((_this select 0) == "quit") exitWith { // process "quit" server command if( (_this select 1) == name player) then { exit_mission = true; // this variable may be used somewhere to check it is time to finish player mission }; }; // etc etc etc };
In any case, ask me anything you need. And wait my educational mission, I am also edicated with it)))
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