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Benoma-Dolores(22)! Новые задумки. Лестница набекрень.

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2022-Май-22 14:13 МСК Вс. Последний город - Долорес. неплохой выбор. учитывая то, что патрули уже не ходят и всё такое. Новая миссия готова. В ней будут небольшие изменения, которые опишу в новой странице. На базе - Агент и Хрюн. Добивальщики)))

++++++ Town "Carmen" #21 real kills report
++++++            "HRUN":     41,  online 
++++++         "Snooper":    154,  online 
2022-Май-22 10:13 МСК Вс. Модесту взяли, предпоследний - Кармен.

++++++ Town "Modesta" #20 real kills report
++++++            "HRUN":     45,  online
++++++   "denis24011982":     52, offline
2022-Май-21 22:47 МСК Сб. Следующая - Модеста. Неплохой городок.

++++++ Town "Ortego" #19 real kills report
++++++            "HRUN":    127,  online 
++++++   "denis24011982":      1,  online 
2022-Май-21 10:51 МСК Сб.

Заодно он сделал и Коразол. Добил Коразол уже Хрюн, в 9 утра (МСК) пришедший на смену нашему ночному хищнику. Следующий город - Ортего! 3 больших города подряд!!! Скоро и конец. Надеюсь, миссия доиграет нормально.

++++++ Town "Corazol" #18 real kills report
++++++            "HRUN":     12,  online
++++++            "yeti":    221, offline

Йети как то добил Параисо. То ли он нашёл много нового в этом городе, то ли они его нашли, сочтя не опасным, но факт - Йети зачистил столицу Острова. И никогда не расскажет об том. Никому)))

++++++ Town "Paraiso" #17 real kills report
++++++            "HRUN":     42, offline
++++++            "yeti":     24,  online
++++++   "denis24011982":     42, offline
++++++      "Rokse [LT]":    159, offline

2022-Май-20 20:18 МСК Пт. Враг пока удерживает Параисо! Да мы его ногами запинаем?!

2022-Май-19 22:43 МСК Чт. Уже Сомато забацали! Не завидую я тем ботам))) Далее - сторонняя миссия. Забрать  флаг из Песто. Но его просто так не дадут.

++++++ Town "Somato" #16 real kills report
++++++            "HRUN":     18, offline 
++++++   "denis24011982":     85,  online 

2022-Май-19 00:47 МСК Чт. Вчера неверно сказал, Хунапу Роксе тогда всё же доделал! Хотя мочил город gyuri, с помощью арты или без неё, не уточнял. Теперь город: Масбете (15).

+++++ Town "Hunapu" #14 real kills report
+++++              name,  kills,   state 
+++++           "gyuri":     90, offline 
+++++            "HRUN":      2, offline 
+++++      "Rokse [LT]":     48,  online 
2022-Май-18 11:51 МСК Ср. Ребята не могут взять Хунапу, как вижу. Были Хрюн и Роксе, но город стоит как стоял.

Чёрный Джордж чем-то своим, художественным занимается.

Я начал делать новый тип допа. Обещает быть не сложным в изготовлении и интересным в выполнении.

В целом хочу сообщить, что все большие переделки в этой именно миссии (на j-ве Сахрани) кажутся  мне завершёнными. ДОСААФ из меня все соки высосал. Сначала вообще казалось это неподъёмным, но постепенно разобрался. Но сложность кода всё же существенно возросла.

Ранее просто создал машину, сунул на определённое место базы и всё - готово. Теперь надо искать место, куда поставить, учитывать при этом тип техники - не помещать танки на Рахмади, скажем. На островах, где есть допы,  вообще смысла нет ничего помещать - всё выносится на большую сушу. На Рахмади можно всё, что либо само улетит, либо можно унести вертолётом. И т.д.

Больше всего времени потратил на интерфейс с игроком. Не так он и сложен внешне, но Арма сильно сопротивлялась. Пока понял. как сделать это всё работоспособным , сменилось 2-3 версии. Т.е. 2-3 раза делал почти всё, но стирал и начинал по новой. Но получилось нормально. И переносимо в будущее.

Теперь буду улучшать миссию в основном в повышением реалистичности и понижения аркадности. Например, удалять оружие, которого не было в 1985 году, не позволять использовать авиа-ракеты в небывалом режиме самонаводки и т.д. Новые виды допов (в т.ч. по типу уже подготавливаемого) тоже помогут скрасить некоторую скуку.  Также есть мощное и простое предложение Джорджа, описанное ранее. После нового допа сделаю его, проверим вашу реакцию. Должно получиться занимательно, предполагается длительная, растянутая во времени на несколько городов, интрига!

Остальное выгляди, скорее, косметически, не меняя игрового процесс никоим образом. Какие-то мощные системные нововведения, по типу нового, усиленного ИИ для вражеских ботов, я делать не готов. Даже думать пока не хочу. Слишком это серьёзно и трудоёмко.

2022-Май-15 22:48 МСК Вс.

++++++ Town "Mercalillo" #13 real kills report
++++++           "gyuri":     23,  online
2022-Май-15 18:17 МСК Вс. Бой идёт, зашли за Меркаллило. Есть небольшая ошибка в скриптах зачистки городов, не влияющая  на ваши действия. Ошибка может привести к увеличенному число трупов врагов в освобождённых городах, которое рано или поздно, всё равно уменьшается. Надеюсь, она не влияет на работу миссии. А если и повлияет, перезагружу.

++++++ Town "Gulan" #12 real kills report
++++++            "HRUN":     36, offline
++++++      "Rokse [LT]":     81,  online
2022-Май-15 01:57 МСК Вс.

+++++ Town "Iguana" #9 real kills report
+++++           "gyuri":    108,  online
+++++      "Rokse [LT]":     52,  online

++++++ Town "Cayo" #8 real kills report +
++++++           "gyuri":     43,  online
++++++      "Rokse [LT]":     35,  online
++++++           "nejcg":     14, offline
2022-Май-14 23:23 МСК Сб.Кайо!

++++++ Town "Eponia" #7 real kills report
++++++           "gyuri":    120,  online
++++++      "Rokse [LT]":      8,  online
++++++           "nejcg":     16,  online
2022-Май-14 13:45 МСК Сб. Эстрелла пала, что было предсказуемо. Следующий - Аркадия.

++++++ Town "Estrella" #4 real kills report
++++++           "gyuri":      2,  online n
++++++            "HRUN":     10,  online n
++++++      "Rokse [LT]":     33,  online n
2022-Май-14 09:10 МСК Сб. Отбываю в колхоз, где пребуду до воскресения. Буду на связи и в доступе через RDP.

2022-Май-14 01:16 МСК Сб. Нашёл видео обзора поля боя в Баганго с высоты птичьего полёта. Забавно, как много видит камера сверху.

2022-Май-13 22:04 МСК Пт. Пробовал кое-какие планы на будущее и обнаружил это! Как думаете, зачем я делаю такие эксперименты? А пока - Эстрелла!

++++++ Town "Obregan" #3 real kills report
++++++            "HRUN":     36, offline 
++++++            "yeti":     45, offline 
++++++   "denis24011982":     82,  online 
++++++      "Rokse [LT]":     53,  online 
2022-Май-13 15:14 МСК Пт.

Обреган следующий. А вроде недавно его брали! Доп то сделаkb. а вот новый - этоспасение вертолёта у Баганго.  Это может быть не тривиальным. Интересно, выкрутятся Хрюн и Йети?

2022-Май-13 08:14 МСК Пт. И Баганго взят. 2 города освобождены, оба ночью. Но дополнительное задание тоже придётся сделать, куда же без него!

++++++ Town "Bagango" #2 real kills report
++++++            "HRUN":    240,  online 
++++++            "yeti":     97,  online 
2022-Май-13 01:04 МСК Пт. Бенома взята с трудом. Пробовал поставить КШМ на гору с востока. Получилось неплохо. Враг набегал равномерно и медленно, давая время на приём. СППМ тоже не вышел, т.к. при поездке на КШМ она была уничтожена.

++++++ Town "Benoma" #1 real kills report
++++++     "EngineerACE":     96,  online
++++++           "gyuri":     26, offline
Новое в миссии:

  1. Доделан ДОСААФ. Карта работает полностью, команды не дублируются. Всё должно работать полностью. Вот и проверим.
  2. Некоторые новые звуки, убран один старый.
  3. Изменена стоимость рекрутов в сторону небольшой платы вначале и повышения её в конце.
  4. Трофейные машины не удаляются, даже будучи в освобождённом городе. Трофейными считают машины, захваченные у патруля, в оккупированных городах, на допах. Машина поставленная на СППМ, тоже является трофейной. С машинами, приведёнными на базу из городов напрямую, вопрос пока не решён.
Просмотров: 199 | Добавил: Engineer | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 46
44 gyuri004magyar  
Description will be in my forum page.

And i forgot to replace the addon biggrin

42 gyuri004magyar  
The model files
Video about radio problem now i see a long error message too

46 Engineer  
Thx, I will chek it out ASAP.

13 gyuri004magyar  
"(( So I forced to wait for the total redevelopment of the mission to add it as a mandatory element."
Can you explain this bcs i hardly understand. smile
Second thing what you wrote same cool idea.

15 Engineer  
It is very simple:

As you know I'm afraid to use any addon except already used (ACE, may be EditorUpdate_102 in future). Because not all will understand what addon to find  and how to use. Aslo it may be VERY hard to find addons as Armaholic is dead already durign 1 year.

But if I will try to introduce totally new mission (e.g. this mission but on other island (OFP_world for exampe) I will force to all to use some additional addons as new mission will use new addon in any case (minimum - new island addon is needed) . So willingly-neelingly player are forced to find addon load address and use new addon (or addons). So why not to use your addon too)))

16 gyuri004magyar  
The easiest way if you create a big pbo. It cals RedEngineers or smt like this... In this pbo file everyting have what is need to play this mission on the server.Just make a link, yandex(i prefer google drive), a description and everybody easy download and play.
Today 1 GB download not muchtime, so nobody worry because need to download smt.In other games usually need to download something before we can play.Any way nobody know your server exist just if find that directly so who find your server that player will be download things... Who is arma 1 player? Old pc users and bigest fans. Like arma cwa. Have more than 20 server and 90%need to download smt before we can play. Oldest game!
And no forget, you are one of the new and last arma 1 community.
Today i stucked in my problem so i forget make a video abot radio problem. I can make new islands but i cant open wrp files. Can you open them?Visiotr3 just export, wrp tool is outdated...

22 Engineer  
WRP: I never opened wrp files before. You are the only person I know who can do it))

MODS/ADDONS handling:

It is not always possible to creeate 1 big accumulative PBO.

E.g.: ACE \must be installed with its own installer, changing Windows registry, tuning directories etc.
So you are forced to install ACE separately.
And there are many very BIG packed addons/mods, for example in Arma-1 I know (and even used in our mission some time ago): ECS and GL3

23 gyuri004magyar  
My opinion, ace is not the best mod. I dont like, and have much better visualised mods.... You can do your own setup file:D

26 Engineer  
May be ACE is not the best mod in the life.

So what is the better one from your point of view? And why?

32 gyuri004magyar  
Ah i dont know,i dont use directly mods just million addons.Test and go next addon,so i have now  5 diff arma with diff addons.....but for example @DMsmoke effect is the best now.
I like better sounds,smoke,explosions.... things.Ace is not to "WOW" thing to me.
Tommorow i will send you the radio video and the text model with different sizes.(weekend is here,more free time)

34 Engineer  
I hope I understand you))) You like change, new places, new people, new friends. This is very normal for a fairly young person.

Our server is old, very old, Arma is old, very old game (relatively, of course, since OFP is older, much older (early 2000s). But, being a programmer by life, and a geographer by vocation, I don't like (almost hate) sqs :o)

So to keep the server attractive, I (we all) need (as I suggest) to maintain some kind of stable line. You can see that you are pretty unique among all the others!

My choice is not very wide: try to keep the old stable community or kill it (with frequent changes of addons and scripts) just for your enjoyment)))

I decide this: keep mostly traditional things going forward and change what we can, for your interest, and hypothetical others who may have similar interests.

In the brightest and farthest future, the server has to change drastically too. Whether it will be Arma-1 or Arma-2 or even Arma-3, whether it will be OFP World or Chernorus or Altis, in any case the main type of missions will remain the same - COOP. But let it consist of more logically connected episodes, let it be some initial scenario with a cinematic dynamic introduction, main flow and a number of different endings with appropriate outro, it doesn't matter. The main thing is to survive and (attention!!!!) get at least some idea to humanity as a whole, through the souls of the players :o)

35 gyuri004magyar  
I understand very well what you like and what you try to do with arma. The new map will be the original and same time will be a new way. Not importat you want to use or not, i just show you and good to me practicse before i start to build my ideas. I just dont like to close out arma addons and just use few of them. Why? When it is old game with few players... But it is ok in your server. It is ur server main face.
I coordinated and builded 50 player clan in other game. I made new game types and direcly forced to player did things... First time was hard and many player comes in and went out to the clan but finaly in the game everybody knows what is TeamGame(was the clan name).So it is the reason why i play arma1. A big chalenge to me in my free time and ofc from my childhood i like ofp/arma.Sadly more times i miss that other game and i fear i lose my patience here and will go back there.... But every year i do this hmm biggrin

39 Engineer  
1. it is very interesting to see this new map, of course)))

2. you mentioned some very interesting details about your clan in another game. There was a very different approach, different from ours. There - any people from the outside come and do whatever they want. They are impersonal, they have no personalization.

On our server come and go (for a day, a week, a month at most) only young people, but the main list is the same from year to year. For example, me and Yeti have been here for about 8-9 years straight. Snooper, Denis, Rokse are a little less here.  Was, but one German hasn't shown up in the last six months. But he will be back. HRUN has been here less than a year and nobody knows if he will leave or stay forever :o)
There were 4-5 young players who acted consecutively and very intense and useful for several months to half a year. And then they evaporated.

On our server you see a personal greeting. The server remembers you. I'm sure it remembers everyone who has been here and has proven to be a pleasant and helpful internationalist, whether he is French, Slovak, Argentinian or Brazilian.  Hungarian or Ukrainian, it's all the same in 1985)))
What's my point with all of this? That the purpose of the server is not to attract a lot of players at a time. On the contrary, newcomers usually look for arcade adventures and bring confusion, garbage, unpleasant things like deliberately shooting at allies. 
For such types I made a prison(from Evolution), where you got a couple of times, without any fault :o)

But the Black George is an exception to the rule that does not disprove the rule. 
And you are an experienced player, in this respect - not young at all. And your wonderful dives into the depths of various half-forgotten mission elements is a memorable event for me (as well as others))). 
Yes you are a ready and professional tester of any game! And could make money with it !!! I am personally interested in cooperation with you. Yes, and I have been in Hungary 4 times.
Well, this server is a home one (even stands in my house!). Not public. It has an atmosphere, agree. Maintain the atmosphere and complement it - one of the main goals. And I continuously generate new features so that everyone was not bored. So there you go.

40 gyuri004magyar  
I am here to play and help you if need. smile

What kind of money do you think?
Once i earned money whit blender biggrin
More than 7 years ago i spend a litle time in a virtual world(second life).There we can upload models and shel it for game money and after than we can exchanged for real money.....so i converted few models and earn,not much but that worked and working until now while i stoped do that but my shoop is still open biggrin
Hmm but i earn more whit blender.25405,35 RUB.In my boss garage was a big piano and when i was around that piano I played every time.Ofc i cant play  piano just like to play....Once i ask my boss can i bought that,but he said no and ofc i dont had a lot of money.....I learned to use blender and same time edit a litle animation about my boss and her/my work.Like now i edit things to you,good to practicse and same time create something,2 in 1......When i finished whit that i sent to my boss.I didnt want anything in return,I just did it because i could do it.To my suprise he gave to me that Piano what priece is 25405 RUB.Irony,I went an other job a month later biggrin :D
Or in my other game i payed in crypto after the scores to my members.

37 gyuri004magyar  
If in multy server in a mission somebody get a video, that is private or all player see that at the time?I got an other idea about storry line and how to follow that easy...

Geographer, what do you do with that? smile

38 Engineer  
Are you asking about so-called cutscenes? If yes, my answer is that only the client, where the cutscene is generated, sees it due to the script flow. Because camera is always a local object, global camera of course does not exist.

But you can easily emulate a global cutscene, and what's more - you've seen such a cutscene more than once at our mission ends: at the final step all clients get a signal to finish the mission and any of the players see their own cinematic sequence. Very similar for all viewers.
The camera movement itself is exactly the same for all viewers. But the spectators themselves (aka players) are, after all, in different places and in different vehicles or on foot.
And for each personal vehicle with the player the script performs the  same action "Eject". As you know, this action has a different effect for different vehicles. And has no effect for infantry :o)

Sure, you can try to make a cutscene that is looked exactly the same for ALL players.
Example - intro - its options are chosen randomly, but the cutscene itself is exactly the same.
The only difference is the time of generation of the scene. If two players are connected almost simultaneously and the same cutscene (there are 6 ways in intro flight)) is randomly chosen for each of them, they will both see the same thing and almost synchronously. Except one - each will only see one ball of lightning over the head of the character at the base, because script (that generated flight and ball) and camera - still local, and intro.sqf does not track the environment and does not respond to it! Although just this can be fixed.

41 gyuri004magyar  
Yes I was thinking about what you said.
Have we any long storry?
I think now we just reclaim cities ,stole flags and kill few important enemy in side missions.

43 Engineer  
Yes, there is such a story, and quite detailed! You can read it in the diary on the map. In Russian it is quite detailed... now I'll read the English version, for memory's sake... Well, I found the quintessence: 

The main task of our mission is to prevent the destruction of the USSR into separate quasi-states under the control of the Federal Reserve System (conditional name), which will lead to incalculable casualties among the population of the USSR and the socialist countries, a tenfold decline in the economy, the transformation of culture into means of degradation, zombification of the entire population, numerous conflicts on ethnic grounds, impossible under the USSR.
Hmmm... written 2-3 years ago, but it is becoming more and more realistic (((

If you find the "Prologue" link in the Notebook (on the map), you'll find a more detailed description. 
And after reading it, you'll realize that all the seemingly separate mission tasks fit into a common framework (in the bright future, they may be connected to each other into a full story or scenario).
All the new missions I try on precisely in terms of the general logic described in Prologue. There's the Antigua ejection, the sweep of the base after its first achievement (not realized), the invaders landing, and all that stuff.
At the moment I'm just implementing the side mission to install the transponder on the island mountain range :o) It will be needed to transmit messages to like-minded people back home.

But in general the general line is not written out and the player does not feel its presence. I agree, there is NO logical description of the purpose and essence of the mission yet!

Also badly lacking is a through line of logic running through the entire game, something like a quest throughout the entire mission continuation. And having some kind of logical conclusion.

Your idea about the teleport interference  coming from the TV tower can be developed into a private (alas, not global) quest. 
The idea is this: the first 1-2 cities, everything goes as usual. Then some American engineers begin to arrive on the island, behaving discreetly, with the task to investigate the causes of defeat. They discover sooner or later that we have a teleporter to MHQ. 
It is in our power to prevent this detection by destroying the engineers in the cities. Engineers try to flee after detection of the teleporter. If at least one manages to escape, after 2-3 cities, the Pentagon makes and starts installing a teleportation jammer generator on the teleportation towers! And now teleportation error can reach up to 300 (sic!) meters near the tower, and decreasing to 0 at 300-400 meters away from the tower by some formula (for example y(x) = -x^2/300 + 300, where x is the distance to the tower, curved outward curve). 
Then until the end of the mission such a generator will always be available in each city. It can be destroyed only together with the tower :o) This will add pepper to the citie tasks!

45 gyuri004magyar  
Will be cool and interesting that new thing.

About storry line.

1:If let random city attacks you have to create a main target or targets.Finally in the last city kill that or solve smt.
2.create a full stroy for main cities.side missions are different,maybe just create a single storry for them...
3 Create a building,like GRU house.There we can get a dialog.
We can watch or rewatch videos/introes
-like: watch chapter 1:Parasito falling down
-like:watch current chapter:Chapter 1 Parasito falling down
-watch  current side mission chapter
-watch side mission chapter12.......

After this everybody can follow and enjoy the story whit videos.

I read notes storry.Hmm need more reading to understand but not to much.
Writing a book,novelle?Ofc we can do that biggrin

17 gyuri004magyar  
And not need to reedit the mission. Have an other easiest way how to get new island and original mission same time.30 min job or less.
Coming soon

21 Engineer  
New island with new mission in 40 minutes? It is possible only with simplest of simplest mission, like one small sub-mission in the big campain, with limited goals and created totally in the editor.

Big mission can't be tranferred to other island without big changes. E.g. Domination (Red Engineers) mission contains 55 side missions. All are attached to 1-2-3 thorougly selected points on the map. So you have to find good main point, and find 1-2 additionla points and define diameters of group activities etc. May be you have to install some AA vehicles (it can need defintion of points of accuracy of 1 santimeter on X,Y and Z) around to prevent owner heli to have easy life.

Therefore, exporting a large mission is not as easy as it may seem at first glance.

24 gyuri004magyar  
My mistake, i wrote badly. Not 30 min need. Only 1 click need and we can play in a new map and same time everything is the original. But! New map and get million new way.Next days i work with this and solve 1 problem. Maybe you can gues how posible this biggrin

27 Engineer  
cool Surely it must be totally the same relief map and the same map items. But vegetation may be any, new or super-new)))

29 gyuri004magyar  
So close!I solve the hardest problem at the moment.After 8 hour i can edit dear Sahrani map :DNext step is coming,i hope u will like my idea.....


31 Engineer  
Your screenshot is looking dangerously )))

10 gyuri004magyar  
1985.....What is your opinion about this transport item?
Can be a deafult item, like helicopters, in the base.
We can transport tanks
Dosaaf transport
Side missions
Just a question bcs i start to convert from cwa to arma....
I know, pbos but... biggrin
Ответ: Great vehicle! But need server side PBO ((( So I forced to wait for the total redevelopment of the mission to add it as mandatory element.

There was one rather old idea  - to realize land analog of heli lift procedure (any truck will be able to tow ( drag behind it) any equipment, including heavy vehicles) . Additionally any boat can do the same on the sea seurface.
It can be very great approach if realized! For example it will allow to transport dead tanks/helicopters and other heavy vehicles not by heli (it can in real carry only 4 tonn max - Mi-17 and 8-10 tonn Chinook) in not realistic manner to the restore service but transport them realistically by land!

8 Rokse LT  
Малость наврал. Вчера я Хунапу завалил и СППМ сделал с 2 тракками и БМП призовой нашел

11 Engineer  
Тогда сегодня поправлю. Вчера бегло глянул и, видимо, не заметил. Или ты вышел сразу после взятия и сообщение ГРУ ещё не появилось  в логе. Не важно, поправим!

4 gyuri004magyar  
i cant edit.....this is the good link. smile


5 Engineer  
Well, I downloaded the link and saw the jpg image))) I could use your PBO in test mission today at evening. Thx for your work!
P.S. You remember my main principe for mission:
you should not add new PBOs to the mission if they do not add new functionality, but only a new appearance. If you add only new static object you could't use in action, excessive complications should be avoided.

P.P.S. No doubt that objects from your picture already is ready to be used in intro as local items.

9 gyuri004magyar  
Yes i remember what you saw about pbo's.Just replace a rare used item and who want to see, they can download....
Tonight i make a video about radio problem.

12 Engineer  
Hey! it is possible to use new PBO without any problem if use it in the intro only!!!

There is a method to detect any PBO presence/absence at the client start (e.g. onPlayerConnected.sqf).
So if PBO is detected, lets show it to such player and not show to them who not adds PBO as recommended!

14 Engineer  
It is working but flagrd.p3d contains direct hard disk links to the flag texture:
,ѓlїa©jі рГ>•П}їе І Ў >•П}їе І Ў >             j=L9—>        ZФg= N°>       «Іп<N^”>                    c:\users\gyuri\desktop\flagrd\material.paa             О€:?PY[=        Уў:?Ё]У=        mЋ3? d =                    c:\users\gyuri\desktop\flagrd\material.paa

and if I load it normally, no texture is found and flag is white as if we surrender))) I added file to the newly  created path it needed and now it worked, but you have chance to fix it in the  next version.

BTW, if you can only create a title without a flag, I promise to use it in our intro. If so, please make the letters twice the original size (if possible).

The flag is really great, but completely stationary, in that it reminds me of the American flag on the moon during the Apollo mission (do you think they actually reached our satellite?).

The idea with title itself is very good! If we will demostrate to all this title during intro, they surely decided to use your addon too))


18 gyuri004magyar  
Hmm i think the problem come from blender. Because i edited this model in blender and textured same time. But after that i had to edit that in oxigen and again textured.And when i opened in oxigen i saw the textures so blender made that. Good to know this,and ofc i can change what you want.

19 gyuri004magyar  
So bad i cant edit my comments:D
So have many thing around moon walk...
1 important thing.
At that times has race in the space and if usa lied ofc the soviets cant let that in the past. But they agree and clap or not clap biggrin

20 Engineer  
May be now you able to edit. Check it out again!

25 gyuri004magyar  
Thanks.I d9nt see any button to edit or smt like this. But i am in mobile now, so later in pc i will check.

28 Engineer  
I moved you to the group of "verified" users, they can edit their own comments.

30 gyuri004magyar  
I can edit yes ! And i am trusted user biggrin

33 Engineer  
My wife returned today from a trip to the Caucasus. And she brought back some good (compared to Moscow's) wine. So I'm quite ready to share your joy)))

36 gyuri004magyar  
Did you know? After 3 glas of wine arma main menu loks like different? biggrin

3 gyuri004magyar  
Radio problem is not too difficult.I take radio..use....and die.After respawn i cant use again just if rejoin the server.

While i stepping on my way and praticse different things....ofc you are in my head biggrin :D biggrin
Download this please and if you like maybe we can see in the game once :))))


6 Engineer  
... in my head ... This is the sound of an ancient computer game from the late '80s. It was playing through PC speaker.

7 Engineer  

Radio problem is not too difficult.I take radio..use....and die.After respawn i cant use again just if rejoin the server.
How it looks?
You have no menu on mouse roller?
You have menu, click it but it does nothing?
You click and see some message?

Well, I will try to follow your way to check the problem.

1 gyuri004magyar  
Salvage truck working well. After load/unload not reammo and not reprair... but if statics weapons dammaged totally cant reprair anymore. With ammo truck we can reload.... Infinite.....
Radio still not work(call air drop or artelly) if i die. I need to disconect to use again.

2 Engineer  
Thx! Will check radio options again!

About repairing/restoring static weapons - yes, as there is no DOSAAF static vehicles, static weapon is dead forever. As in real life.

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